Haven't played any other game this much in my life.

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim X360
Replay ability is one thing that makes a game great and that is one of the many things that were perfected in Skyrim. I have put in more hours, created more characters, explored more places, and did more side quest than I have ever cared to do in any other game. I have never thought I would rate any game a perfect 10 but with Skyrim I finally did.

With ten different races all with their special abilities and feats, nearly limitless fighting styles, solid combat, and excellent exploration. This game makes a huge statement to all other games like it. As far as RPG games go, it is one of the best I have ever played.

+ Great replay value
+ Beautiful graphics
+ Inspired exploration
+ Fun gameplay
+ Character creation and upgrade system
+ Story telling that compliment the game's great feel