Greatest Open World Adventure Ever Created

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC

At the time of writing this review I've clocked in more than two hundred hours worth of Skyrim time on my PC. To put it into perspective: If I just sat at at my computer, didn't eat, sleep or anything and just played Skyrim I would be quater of the way into my eighth day of game time. Eight days may not sound like a lot but just think about sitting somewhere for that long and not moving. I'd probably be dead.

Whether it's running through the mountains battling dragons or deep inside the ruin of a former great city fighting deformed elves of pure evil. Playing Skyrim is the most fun I've ever had with a game.

Some of the standout features include:

  • Epic combat which you have complete control over.
  • An open world map that feels twice as big as any other game because it's actually filled with content and not blank or repetitive like a lot of open worlds.
  • The ability to be whatever you want when you want. Unlike Oblivion, you're not stuck to one type of character at the beginning. In Skyrim you can be a wizard for one quest line, a warrior for another and a stealthy theif for another.
  • As long as you stay within the rules of the game you truly can do whatever you want. Nothing is streamlined to force you to play along the main quest, and that's the best part of the entire quest system.

You can probably summize that I have true passion for the game but that doesn't mean Skyrim is without its fair share of bugs and glitches. On the contrary, it has quite a few. However, they in no way take away from the amazing game Bathesda have created. I can say with complete certainty that Skyrim is the greatest open world adventure ever created.