While Skyrim is an amazing game, it isn't as mind-blowing as Oblivion or Morrowind.

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC
Please be warned, there are (minor) spoilers in this review.
Bethesda has always been very impressive in its works. I am extraordinarily pleased with how Skyrim turned out; but it simply wasn't as mind-bogglingly awesome as Oblivion was (and is).
To start off, we are given a game with pretty awesome graphics. You are a prisoner (a pretty common theme for Elder Scrolls Games) and you have to escape a town that is under attack by a dragon. Pretty linear in the ways of starting a game. However, one must note that the whole process of escaping Helgen (that town under attack) takes at least 10 minutes, not to mention there is no point at which you can change your race or body appearance, as there was in Oblivion, without the use of mods and DLC (Dawnguard, specifically). In other words, you have to go through this whole process again and again and again each time you wish to create a new character. This isn't a big deal in the ways of actual game-play, but it is certainly annoying.
Another note to take is the underwhelming finish of the game. You basically end up saving the world and what are you rewarded with? Nothing. No cheering crowds to encourage you; nothing. This also occurs in all of the game's major guilds, such as the Thieves Guild, the Companions, The Dark Brotherhood, and the Mage's Guild (College of Winterhold, whatever). The Dark Brotherhood isn't actually as bad as the other guilds in the way of finales, but there is almost no renown for any work completed by you.
Another note, the soundtrack isn't as beautiful as Oblivion or Morrowind. I was absolutely blown away by the soundtrack of Morrowind, and I was practically driven to tears by the soundtrack of Oblivion. I was expecting great things from Skyrim in the ways of soundtrack considering the sheer beauty of the province as depicted in lore and tiny vistas from other games, and what do I get? Shouting men? A war chant? What is this? It wasn't awful, but it wasn't good. It just seemed so depressing as compared to Oblivion's uplifting themes, which brings me to my next criticism.
The game is just so dark! Now, I don't mean cutting off the head of a bandit or disintegrating a guard who looked at you wrong isn't fun, but the game-play just seems... different. It's very hard to explain... it just seems like the game is much more combat oriented then it is having conversations and bartering and sneaking and stealing and exploring and on and on and on.
A final criticism, the game is so short! Everything about the game is just so short! I became the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold in less than 2 hours real time. I finished the main quest in about 2 days. I literally just became the leader of the Companions today after just starting it about an hour ago. The Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood are a little longer, but not much. In Oblivion, you had to work for the Main Quest to be completed, it could take up to a week of casual play! It took time to level as well, in Skyrim, you stick to a level for about 5 minutes if you are in constant combat for that time, in the early levels, anyway. The Fighters Guild in Oblivion (the equivalent of The Companions for those of you who never played the game) took an eternity to complete! In a good way, of course. My point is, I want a game with substance rather than a main quest that could have been added by a novice modder.

Now I want to move on to the good things. I will just list them rather than giving a full on review simply because there are so many of them.
-The graphics
-The NPC interaction with the player
-The Lore
-The Civil War (I will elaborate on this one a bit, the Civil War is AMAZING. Way to go Bethesda for this idea! Bravo indeed, if you haven't completed the Civil war or even started it, please do so, you won't be disappointed!)
-The 'Large Battles' integrated into a fort.
-Dragons (duh, come on, this is just awesome.)
-The realism of the merchant system as well as merchant gold
-The Auroras (similar to graphics, but these blew me away.)
-The escape from jail system (that was one of the most annoying parts of being a thief-oriented character in Oblivion!)
-The overall realism of the game (no more psychic guards!)
-The magic system (slightly better than Oblivion's)

Well, I am impressed if you have read this far. My overall prognosis of the game is this.
The game is amazing and a classic, but it isn't as awesome as Oblivion.
Great work Bethesda for another awesome game! Thanks!