I'm a big RPG fan but wasn't sure about the more "realistic" style of elder scroll games.

User Rating: 9.7 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
I love RPG like Final Fantasy and such but never really got into the elder scroll games. This new one though "Oblivion" has totally slapped me across the face and made me an elder scrolls fan for life!

This game is unbelievably impressive. The AI, sound, graphics are all mind blowing and the game is simply HUGE!!!

I would have to saw this is definately one of the best RPGs I have ever played and everything seems just right in turms of interactivity, use of items and so on.

Also, the first person fighting style may seem odd but trust me, it feels PERFECT. It actually feels like your sword fighting enemies, blocking and attacking... pausing the game the browse through your items and spells during battle.

Do yourself a favor and just BUY THIS GAME!!