Teeming with content Oblivion guarantees an appeal to almost any type of gamer.

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3

Occasionally the graphics look a bit dated. But the payoff is still there. The great music does what it's supposed to do, which is to create an ambiance without getting too intrusive.

There are lots and lots of sidemissions you can complete along the main story seamlessly. Lots.

As a result, starting over gets you an entire different experience.

It's all closely packed together, you just basically have to turn around to fall into an new adventure.

Every mission has it's unique flavor; Even better, there are different ways to complete some of these sidemissions.

To me, that is seriously impressive.

It does have...issues. The horse back riding is a drag, in the beginning. The combat can feel clunky, especially if you wonder into an opponent stronger than you.

And adding tactical thinking to all that quantity of gameplay can get tedious, if you are bent on that one particular (side)mission. I even ran into a side-quest that can only be completed in a very specific way.

But these things won't deprive you from enjoying the game. The amount of fun it offers in return for effort seems endless.

Besides, there is one golden rule that applies to every rpg or any kind of adventure game you come across, regardless of bugs.

Which is to save early and to save often (preferably at separate intervals).