The Darkness is a wonderful game with a very good plot, making you play just to see what will happen. Another must have.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Darkness PS3
The Darkness is an FPS redirected to a more mature audience.

The game is based on the comics with the same name. They left out much of the comic, but lots of the characters make an appearance, and they've done well in leaving much of the comics out, because they would not be able to put all the original story in the game without making it a complete bedlam. They devoted themselves to create a kind of different but consistent story to be sweet to play and make you stick with the game.

Also who never heard of the comics The Darkness don't need to worry about it, because the story does not require that you know anything about the comics since it was made precisely for those who don't know it. So prepare yourself for a wonderful journey through the world of The Darkness with a wonderful ending.

In the game you play as Jackie Estacado, he is the heir of the darkness. This power only manifests on its twenty-first birthday, when uncle Paulie is after you trying to kill you because you messed up. The story is mainly this, uncle Paulie trying to kill you, you seeking revenge against him, and your journey for answers about your ancestors and the power of the Darkness.
It may not seem such a great story for what you heard but i assure you that this is one of the most amazing stories ever with amazing plot twists.

In the game besides the main missions you can collect cards throughout the game where you send them using any Mailbox available on the streets to earn Extras. Like the letters, you can also find phone numbers and connect them to the phone booth to earn some Extra.

Extras can be purchased also doing side-quests. They are not boring as it is usual in several games, they served the purpose for which they were created, to entertain and extend the playing time.

In the game you'll find a variety of weapons such as guns, Shotgun, Rifles, etc. but your powers are the main weapon in the game.

Your first power is the power to use one of your monsters (kind of a creepy and distorted snake) to go crawling around and kill the enemy silently. Can be used to get into indoors and open new doors.

Eventually you gain the power to use the tentacle (to break lights, lift objects and enemies, and ruthlessly kill them), weapons forged in the darkness (there are only enemies that die by eating is heart or using these weapons) and the black hole (by far the most powerful power, and once you get him, you'll use him a lot and you'll have fun with him).

There are also throughout the game several holes that you'll use to summon forth darkling minions, which are little creatures kind like elves but more creepy, and send them doing some particular job.

You'll have four different darkling minions to use:

Berserker: He is the first. He does not have a firearm and just attack the enemy with is hands and sometimes uses a chainsaw to behead.

Gunner: Uses a mini-gun to smash the enemies.

Kamikaze: He has a bomb wedded to himself and throws himself at enemies blasting everything.

Lightstriker: Has a car battery attached on the back, he destroys the leading lights of the scene and electrocutes enemies.

You can find uniforms in the game for the minions giving a touch of humor on them, which is typical in the comics. Some even change the weapon that they have.

The powers and the minions can only be used when you have power of darkness. To recharge you only have to stay in the shadows for some time and The darkness will be sucked into you. Stay too long in places with light and you will lose energy until you can no longer use the Darkness.

So the game forces you to go destroying light wherever you go and that is awesome because it makes the game more strategic instead of being just a game where you go through and killing everything that appears in hours of action since you first clean the way and then attack when everything is dark.

As you feed the darkness with hearts you increase your level of darkness. And the powers will grow stronger as their level.

The game was spectacular with a highly detailed world full of things to look.

The effects when you active the Darkness are excellent with an amazing animation. The time spent on motion capture in the game is noticeable in many animations. Its tentacles are fighting with each other by heart, if biting when you're standing among other peculiarities. Unfortunately this gets a bit repetitive as you go on.

The game has very good textures, and modeling good character. Expressions and faces really beautiful and believable.

The loadings are hidden scenes with Jackie talking about the things which is much better than have to wait for a bar to fill, etc...

There are some frame rate drops in heavier scenes or when there are much action but I guarantee that nothing will disrupt or disturb the gameplay.

The sound in the games deserves to be recognized. It's simple awesome, it stuck me in an atmosphere ridiculously scary.

All the sounds of flesh being torn by the darkness were perfect and the sounds of weapons too.
And of course the voice acting which is one of the best i've ever seen in a game. Specially the voice of the Darkness, is really really awesome.

As for the Multiplayer, it lacks big time. It's nothing special and you're better playing just in singleplayer.

Despite that and some lack of replay value, The Darkness is a game incredible awesome, and deserves to be played, but a warning its not for everybody.

Farewell Players ;)