Classic Role-Playing Game

User Rating: 8.5 | The Complete Ultima VII PC
The first time that I played this game I could not get away from the computer. It has been many years since that first experience, but I still rate almost every RPG against this game as a standard. From my perspective, it was the first game that I had ever played that had a dynamic universe to explore that also provided an in-depth plot. While the downfalls of the game are only noticable in retrospective standards (combat system is a bit awkward, there is no quest log to help keep pace with where you are, and the spells/reagants are not explained in game), all of the great things about this game have been utilized by every great RPG since it was released (side quests as well as a main quest, sandbox environment that allows you to wander off the chosen path, dynamic NPCs that appear to have a schedule of a daily life). It is the sort of game that requires one to play through to truly understand the wonderful structure that has been brought to the world of gaming by this installation of the Ultima series.