...Really ...Good?

User Rating: 9 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay XBOX
In this day and age a move based anything is bound to be terrible. "But I'm a cheerleader" fps, "Good Will Hunting" overcoats and matching fedora, "Juno VS Predator". The point is if its a good movie (AVP not included) the safe moneys on a bad game, and thats why The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is so annoying. Its like the worse the movie the better the game. This game is so good that it almost makes me want to watch that horrid necromunda rip off of an excuse for a film... Almost. If I'm right than "The hottie and the nottie" game should make the first Half-Life look like Superman 64.

Lets start cosmetically.
This game had no equal when it first came out, and still today has trouble finding peer. Light and shadow used exquisitely to help portray the damp filth ridden corridors which impound our "hero" and is personified threw the equine characters Riddick must push, shove, and kill to earn his freedom. Needless to say the game looks great. Sound can sometimes seem uneven some noises sound like their underwater, and you have to listen to Vin "I hate my acting career" Diesel the throwout the whole game.

It can't all just look good it has to have the game play to back it up, and luckily Riddick delivers... mostly. Game play is somewhere between an action stealth game and an FPS while still retaining the best aspects of both. It can sometimes be confusing when after a long period of shooting your expected to know that its sneak time again, but I'm nit piking. Most everything in the game feels right on especially the hand to hand combat which features the use of shivs, bats, and whatever else you can smuggle on your person. The shooting, however, leaves a lot to be desired. The aiming feels like an old PC to PS2 port despite being developed specifically for Microsofts console. Special note goes to how they handle the stealth. Instead of just saying you're in stealth mode the game turns a blue tint, in fact the whole thing has this cool no HUD look going on, very cool.

The games story is well thought out too, taking place before any of the movies it centers around Johns bringing Riddick to some triple security prison, or"slam" (stupid name), named "Butcher Bay", and (as if you couldn't guess) Riddick tries to Escape. It also explains how Riddick got his"eye shine".If you still have an Xbox and you haven't had the pleaser pick this up, for every one else we'll have to wait for Assault on Dark Athena apparently Microsoft though it would be more important we play "Deathrow" instead.