Its ok....I guess.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian WII
The Wii version of Prince Caspian is not all that good. There is hardly any fighting, well the beginning there was. Then after that it was spread out and there was not enough. Most of the time you are running around pushing rocks or throwing a grappling hook on a wall. The graphics are...ok i think they could have worked harder on them. The music is ok its kinda of the same thing looped over and over again. The good part is that it has actually movie clips and some other characters you can be. The game play is weak, so you loop the Wii remote around to using the grappling hook and swing your Wii remote for your sword yay that is fun..not. That is it for the Wii controls. The levels are designed poorly, with no map to help you. When you start you select your level, then you go to a loading screen that doesnt make sense like youll have Peter kicking a box. Then after thinking that was stupid you go to a level base like thing and have to find the other levels. Example: The Beach is your "base" then you have to either run into a cave and get a grappling hook then run over to the mountain swing the grappling hook up there then climb up it then you enter the next level. After you beat one level you start at "Base" and have to find the next level. Its very frustrating . So if your obsessed with the movie and really want the game go far it. But i would recommend Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princesses for your sword swinging action.