There isn't much to say about Woodruff & the Schnibble exacpt, maybe, GO AND GET A COPY. You owe it to yourself, rea

User Rating: 9.2 | The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble PC
If you ever played any of the "Goblins" games, you know the kind of crazy story, puzzles, characters and humor the series is famous for. "Woodruff & the Schnibble" is not an official part of said series, but you can definitely sense the heavy influences in the game, especially in the gameplay. You control woodruff via the mouse crosser, in a traditional “Point&Click” interface.

You play as young woodruff, who, by freak accident, turns from a 6 year old kid to a grown up man (not before watching his father gets kidnapped and the murder of his favorite teddy bear). Swearing revenge, woodruff goes out into the world to find the murderer and free his father. Along the way he will probably save the entire city from the tyranny of a corrupted ruler, find love, and bring freedom to the masses.
You encounter a vast number of inventory and timing based puzzles throughout the game; most of them actually make sense, while the later ones (the hard ones) are a bit obscure at first.

The graphics are as wacky as they come, with 2D backgrounds and characters, much like the bulk of adventure games of the same era. The cartoony feel to the game comes as a contradiction to the futuristic and dark, almost cyber-punkish, setting of the game.

All of the characters are voiced very well, which really helps the game, since most of the background story and puzzles are revealed through dialogs. The only thing that may diminish the quality of the voice-overs is the fact that the same four people are voicing the majority of characters woodruff interact with, but most of the time you won’t even notice.

All I can say is that you should definitely play “Woodruff & the Schnibble”, especially if you played any of the “Goblins” games, and love the zany and wacky humor they had to offer.