The game is not only a complete and utter waste of time but also shameless propaganda that preys on one's ignorance.

User Rating: 1 | The Bible Game PS2
"The Bible Game" is a game for fundamentalist parents who wish to further their indoctrination into kids' entertainment. What better way to sell a crappy game by fusing elements from what many consider the most important aspect of their life? The game is not only simplistic in its nature, but also very ugly, perhaps a testament to Christianity itself... but not really. The Bible Game isn't here to test your knowledge on Christianity; it's here to make sense of an outdated book.

The main game's focus is trivia-based. You get to pick from six generic characters, complete with the prototypical black girl and the sideways baseball cap punk. Although the game doesn't have very much to render, it is still a very ugly looking game, much like Christianity. The PlayStation 2 isn't known as any sort of powerhouse, but you wouldn't be wrong for thinking this game could run on the last generation systems. Just like Christianity, this game appears to be horribly outdated. The animations of the show host are terribly exaggerated and unnatural.

The game focuses solely on questions and mini-games. The latter is insultingly simplistic with some games requiring single button presses. Although, given the target demographic, it's no wonder that the game assumes you are a complete idiot. Or maybe the creators, who believe every animal was within walking distance of an elder's house, were just complete idiots that couldn't produce a decent game.

Perhaps worse than the mini-games are the questions. As one might have guessed, they are pulled from the Bible. Many appear to be inaccurate, though, as one question asks something along the lines of the following: "Who was the ***** who screwed over humanity for all eternity?" The game's answer is Eve, but it is perfectly evident that it is God, given that he put that tree in the Garden of Eden in the first place.

Another problem arises from its negligence of actually covering the source material. There is a clear bias, as every question seems to glorify God and demonize his people. You will hear many times over how someone went against God or did something bad, but God's 2,400,000,000+ kill count is seemingly never addressed. Then again, the makers of the game are Christians.

Overall, The Bible Game exists to lure ignorant, stupid, and terrible parents into buying a product that wants you to feel weak, guilty, and stupid. Just like almost every religion out there, it capitalizes on your hope and beats you down with nonsense. It misrepresents history by acting like the Bible is an accurate and relevant source for anything, and it's just a bad game in general. If you are looking to have a good time with friends in various mini-games and trivia, Wii Party is a suitable fit for you. If you are looking to further your knowledge on Christianity, pick up just about any science book. The Bible Game has nothing to offer but false hope and fallacies.