Though not the most original, The Baconing is the most hilarious Deathspank adventure yet.

User Rating: 8 | The Baconing PS3
Deathspank has become one of my favorite series of games on current consoles. Between the humorous dialogue, quirky items, and overall silliness, it's hard not to fall for the charm of these action/adventure RPGs. I do think that the critics were a little hard on this one though. While it doesn't bring anything new to the table, this is still another solid game in the franchise, and one that has the funniest dialogue yet.

GAMEPLAY - Nothing really new here. You get items, you do quests, you upgrade Deathspank, etc. etc. I wish I could go into more of an explanation here, but it's basically you're action RPG experience with a ton of humor thrown in. And when it's done this well, why mess with it here? - 8/10

STORY - The story begins with Deathspank being bored of not having any worthy enemies to battle until a giant version of him shows up. While this is an interesting start to the story, it doesn't really come to fruition until you actually come face to face with your new foe. Most of the game is just oddball locations and people giving you quests to help you advance from place to place. Yes, the ending to this game is a little anti-climactic, but...minor spoiler...there will be some DLC in the future... - 6.5/10

GRAPHICS - The graphics have improved slightly since the last Deathspank game, but not by much. They are still good though. And like the gameplay, why fix what isn't broken? - 8/10

SOUND - The voice-acting and music are still awesome. Can't say more than that. - 9/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - This game will prove to be a pretty lengthy adventure, especially for a downloadable game. While I don't agree with them putting in a trophy here that forces you to replay again just to get it, you get a pretty good value here. - 7.5/10

BOTTOM LINE - The Baconing doesn't really do anything that past entries in Deathspank haven't already done. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Playing by yourself or with a friend is still a lot of fun, and the humorous dialogue really spices up the endless hacking and slashing that makes up the combat here. If you enjoyed the first two games, I would say that is definitely a must-buy. I actually think that this game is even better than the second one, though it is hard to beat the original. Whatever your reasoning for buying this may be, I don't think you'll be disappointed with what you get. - 8/10