I have a better chance of surviving on an island than playing this game.

User Rating: 3 | The Adventures of Gilligan's Island NES
Before I begin let me say that I never watched Gilligan's Island, but from what I understand it was about a group of people that got stranded on an island and get into crazy adventures while trying to escape. That's fine but I never did see a reason to make a game based on the show, especially if there was no appeal to anyone at all, especially when the game came out in 1989 and the show ended in 1967.

STORY:The plot from what I read is that the Skipper and Gilligan have to go through certain missions to survive on the island and find a magic tablet that can get them off the island, so it stays true to the source material. 10/10

GRAPHICS: They look good for 1989, they are on the grainy side, you can tell what's an obstacle and enemy, and for some reason the graphics remind me of Super Mario Bros 3. 6/10

CONTROLS: Very basic in this game, you can attack and jump when you need to and walk fine, nothing complicated. 8/10

SOUND: This is where the game starts to fall apart, the sound is ear gratingly bad, it has this little tune that never stops in the game that just loops over and over again. 1/10

GAMEPLAY: The major downfall of this game, so you control the Skipper while the computer takes control of Gilligan, everything on this island is out to kill you, monkeys, gorillas, quicksand, boars, snakes, even birds and mice. There are pits all over the island that can cause to fall into an underground cavern, but most of the time the computer controlled Gilligan will fall in the holes, meaning you have to get him otherwise you can't beat certain parts of the game. Speaking of Gilligan, the developers did not put a whole lot of good AI in him, he gets stuck constantly, fall down holes 98% of the time, and really why aren't you playing as Gilligan anyway? That's the name of the show and game, Gilligan's Island not Skipper's Island. Besides what is the point of having a computer controlled player? This game should have had a one and two player option to it. The game is confusing as to where to go, you are given a map but most of the time, even with the map I had no idea where to go causing more frustration. There is also a time limit in each level and have hourglasses that can give you more time, the biggest downfall with that is when you loose Gilligan somewhere, your time goes down drastically so you have to use a rope to get him back with you. Through each level there are puzzles that are really confusing and most of the time they are in places that you wouldn't think to look. To the game's credit if you run out if time or die, you can have unlimited continues and it has a password system, but that's not saying much. 1/10

CONCLUSION: Sorry all you Gilligan's Island fans, this game does not do it justice for the TV show, with bad AI, terrible level design, confusing navigation, and frustrating puzzles, it's another game based on a TV show that is to be avoided, if you are stranded on an island with a cartridge of this game, either use it as firewood, throw it in the ocean, or just jump into the ocean and just swim far away from this game and stick with the TV reruns.