Embrace a challenge; give Bayou Billy a chance.

User Rating: 6.5 | Mad City NES
The Adventures of Bayou Billy has caused many tantrums among gamers. Just remember: Punch a pillow. Slam a door. But never hammer-fist your NES.

Bayou Billy is one of the most difficult NES games. In fact, if you are playing the game for the first time, you might think that completing just the first stage is a near-impossible task. But give Bayou Billy some time, and you might start to enjoy the challenge that the game provides.

Bayou Billy consists of three different types of stages: beat-’em-up stages a la Double Dragon, Light Gun stages, and driving stages. In 1989, when previews were being published to hype the game’s release, gamers were excited by the idea of mixing these three styles of gameplay into one game. Unfortunately, Bayou Billy disappointed and frustrated most gamers once they actually got some hands-on time with Billy.

Bayou Billy's above-average difficulty is partly due to the game's mediocre play control and vague hit detection. But as you become more familiar with the game, these faults will become less noticeable and less bothersome, and you'll learn how to take advantage of the bulletproof vest and the various weapons. The whip and the pistol are especially effective. If there aren’t any weapons available, however, you’ll have to use Billy’s pathetic punches and kicks, which isn’t as fun.

One of Bayou Billy’s major flaws is the fact that its difficulty level spikes and drops throughout the game. The two driving stages that you’ll encounter midway through the game are perhaps the hardest stages in the game. The first stage is also hard, so some newcomers eject the game cartridge with little hesitation, thinking that the game’s later stages will be even harder. But the two Light Gun stages, one of which appears late in the game, are relatively easy (they’re fun, too). And, in later stages, weapons are more prevalent, which makes subduing henchmen easier.

Bayou Billy can be enjoyable, especially after you dedicate a few hours to it, but it's not for everyone. Bayou Billy is difficult enough to repel casual gamers but will give hardcore gamers a powerful sense of accomplishment (and relief) once they conquer the game.