Terminator Salvation, a short but sweet experience.

User Rating: 7.5 | Terminator Salvation X360
Terminator Salvation is a basic shooter that doesn't take a lot of brain power to breeze through or enjoy. The shooting mechanic is basic, but gets the job done. Flanking is not just an option in Salvation, but rather an absolute necessity. The only problem with this is that your squad mates do not understand that flanking requires teamwork.

Whilst drawing the machines too your fire, your AI squad mates refuse to finish off the beast by firing at the pin points at the rear of the machine, and likewise they will fail to draw the machines with their own fire, as you quite obviously start sneaking towards the rear view of your enemies.

This lack of AI flanking skill, by no means causes the game to be broken, but instead just makes the firefights longer and more tedious than they should be.

The graphics are a mix bag, as whilst they clearly depict a destroyed L.A … they by no means push the 360 to even mediocre graphic limits. Terminator Salvation does present a beautiful gaming atmosphere experience, as it truly does give you the feel that you are not safe on the surface, and they only key to survival is being on the move constantly.

The flanking game play is broken up at points by on-rails shooting from vehicles, and like the rest of the game, has a great feel of tension that you need to get out of their in a hurry.

The game is fairly easy, and the achievements come thick and fast. Terminator Salvation is no where near worth the full RRP that is being charged at the moment, but is certainly worth a rental.