Boring game. Graphic options are nonexistant and you get more cut scenes than game play. Did they even play this thing?

User Rating: 4 | Terminator Salvation PC
It's really too bad they didn't put more effort into this title. With such a deep story line you think they could have gone much deeper.

I found the game play repetitive. Over and over you get that "done that already" feeling. Most of the time I ran around with an empty missle launcher, looked good but useless without ammo. In a battle, don't look to your commrads for much help. Most of the time it's really just you alone. Why bother adding them to the game when they're so dumb?

The older Terminator PC games gave you the option to play a bad guy. I've only spent about an hour playing it, maybe it's included in the co-op mode, I don't know. But I watch the T-Machines and wish I could be one instead of weak old John. They could have added so much to this game.

Another disappointment I found was the graphics. When you see the bar raised with games like Crysis Warhead and Fear II your expectations go up. This is suppose to be a new title but playing it looks like my sons XBox. Not a bad thing, ok. But for PC's t's expected a good game should tax your hardware. The only settings are for resolution and brightness. Talk about feeling ported. Shame on you, GRIN.

just my few cents worth...