Disappointing game that only chance to sell is due to the past movies success.

User Rating: 2.5 | Terminator Salvation PC
This is not a game I would recommend to any friends as its all flash but no bang. I have a very decent computer that is well over the recommended specs but despite that the controls was extremely lagy and hard to control for me. The story didn't do much to inspire either making me wish back to the first and only other Terminator game I played "The Terminator: Future Shock" which I remember enjoying quite a bit. I personally would rather play that old game in this day and age then "Terminator Salvation" despite its graphic is more akin to the first doom game.

Admittedly, I only spent an hour or so playing the game but if a game keeps disappointing me for without fail for such a time I seriously doubt it will suddenly change into my second hour of playing.

Enough said, so stay away from this one unless you got time and money to spend and is VERY bored.