Not bad but its not good either.

User Rating: 6.5 | Terminator 3: War of the Machines PC
This game is easy for people who play battlefield 1942. This game is fun about the first 2 hours but thats it. Sounds good, graphics are not good at all but gamplay is quite cool. Its fun to play the terminators and their tanks are awsome. Its very faithful to the terminator saga which is a plus but the ai is a downer. Battlefield is fun, halo is fun, this is fun about the first 2 hours. The classes are pretty cool, for the terminators you have the T900 supply and heavy, the FK, the infiltrator, and the T1. The humans have hunter, heavy hunter, scout, supply, and the terminator.

cool classes, neat weapons, and good sound effects.

bad ai, bad maps.