The Game is awsome . It is just like Counter-Strike in the future. Its fun and cool but the graphics are out of date. Ya

User Rating: 7 | Terminator 3: War of the Machines PC
Its is counter-strike, terminator style. I know that the majority of Gamespot dont like it but can all of them say they are terminator franchise fanatics. I love Terminator but im not a fanatic, but this game still kicks but. and you can be Arnold's Terminator. Two downsides are the graphics and maps. there is only twelve maps but they are Fun. The game is based on the scrimish for earth between man and machine. it has great gameplay and awsome weapons. It also has features taken directly from Terminator 3. If you liked that, yull like this.
I Have had the game for almost a month and i still love it.d