Just another poor Battlefield clone with no real substance.

User Rating: 2.1 | Terminator 3: War of the Machines PC
I originally picked this game up soon after it's initial release, thinking "It looks pretty cool..." Boy do I regret it.

War of the Machines is your average Battlefield 1942 clone in which two teams are pitted against each other to capture spawn points and deplete the enemies reinforcements. The human team has your standard FPS classes (infantry, sniper, the usual) while the Skynet terminators have slow moving, heavily armed robots. Skynet would be considered overpowered if it weren't for one thing the humans have going for them; the Terminator. That's right, one lucky meatbag gets to play as everyone's favorite gun-toting cyborg of destruction, similar to the heroes of Star Wars Battleground II. Since this game sucks so badly that no-one has any multiplayer servers for it, this will likely be you, since the atrocious AI in single player matches couldn't coordinate an assault on a preschool.

There are a few different maps to play on, usually pre and post Judgment Day variants of each other. The maps tend to be relatively small, and strategies for them tend to be the same: let Arnie do all the work.

Other than the Terminator himself, there are no real tie-ins to the movie. You could just as easily replace the Skynet team with Cylons from Battlestar Galactica and say that this all took place on Caprica or something and the game wouldn't be any different.

Final words: Uninspiring, Unoriginal, Underachiever... just plain uninteresting.