Meh, it's different but very annoying to play

User Rating: 6.5 | TERA PC
I played the trial of Tera, and after about 20 minutes I was already motion sick and hated the controls, glitches and graphics.

Combat is interesting but doesnt work as well as one would hope. A lock on feature would have been nice instead of having the camera fly anywhere it wants after each strike. It was a good try but didn't work out as hoped.

Graphics are very much like Aion meets Perfect World. Characters are your standard elfish or beast-man or cute bunny thing. The armor is even more sexy than WoWs female armor, less is more i suppose. Im not complaining, I dont mind sexiness in a game at all, but armor can be sexy without just being a thong.
Environments are ok, nothing too special. Monsters are cool, I have watched videos of the big ass monsters and that seems fun, but gimmicky.

Story/Quests are still just as laughable as your standard MMO quests.

The glitches I spotted during my time in Tera were some framerate issues, the camera flying wherever it wants to when you are talking to an NPC, and there is no ledge detection, meaning you can walk about 5 ft off a ledge and not fall.

I wanted to like the game, but the only thing it has going for it that is any different is the fighting, which i respect the company for trying, but I think a bit more testing would have benefited the game immensely. Also it is not nearly worth $50 to buy then another $15 a month to play. No game is worth that much, WoW could get away with it but it is much more of a solid game than Tera ever could be, regardless of repetitiveness and age. If it goes to a FTP model and goes down to $30 for the game, Id buy it, or even $5 a month, sure why not.

But all in all, definitely not that good, wait for the next big MMO, guild wars 2 looks decent.