A great game that gets boring too quickly.

User Rating: 8 | Tennis NES
If you own and NES and don't have Tennis, then you are missing out. Tennis is easily one of the best games on the NES; that is if you have others to play it with. In the single player, there are five different difficulty levels to choose from with 1 being very easy to 5 being unforgiving the numbers in the middle seem just right. Since there are only 5 different difficulty levels and no different gameplay styles, Tennis loses its appeal pretty quickly. If you do however have someone else to play with, Tennis can amount to hours of fun and excitement and some extreme competition.
The graphics of Tennis are pretty good and work very well with the gameplay. The sounds are a little less polished and could have used a little more work before the game was released.
I have decided to give Tennis an 8.0/10 for its fun competitive play but lack of quality single player. If you ever come across Tennis in a video game store or pawn shop I would suggest picking it up for the amount of fun you can have with the game.