All the greatness of previous Tekken installments rolled into one powerful package.

User Rating: 9.4 | Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) PS2
The main reason I purchased this game is simple: I wanted to be able to play with pretty much all of the characters from Tekkens 1-3 without having to own all three games. I got to see a host of familiar faces together again and stronger than ever. However, that is just the beginning, my friends. This game has so much more to offer, that everyone can find something to enjoy.

This game has various versus battle modes, so that you can change things up any way you want. If you want the standard one player versus mode (you're still tagged up, of course), you can do it. If you want to tag team against a friend, you can do it. If you want a team tag battle, where you can play with the first two characters on your team and switch out as a character is defeated, you can do it. If you want to have Kazuya and Heihachi take on Devil and Angel in a bowling match, you can do it, believe it or not. Yes, there is bowling in a fighting game...what will they think of next?

I have to talk about the bowling feature because it's so random and unexpected, but surprisingly fun. You've got this big, hulking bear launching a bowling ball at a bunch of pins shaped like Heihachi's head...what's not to love about that? Plus, each character is either left handed or right handed, and they bowl at different speeds. So, if you've got a strong bowler, the speed that the aiming/speed meter moves at will be pretty average. If you're bowler is weak, it will go extremely slow, and so will their ball. If your bowler is a power house, the meter will move so fast that you'll have trouble keeping up with it. The game even takes into account the characters who are robotic or alien, and their meter will be covered with sensors, guides and flashing lights. It's crazy, because I can't explain how silly I thought this idea was...yet I find myself spending hours on Tekken Bowl mode.

There is also a nifty extra in the game that I highly suggest you try. Most of us know the back stories for these characters and their relationships to other characters in the game. The developers had this in mind when they created this game and it shows. When certain characters are paired up in a tag match, they do some interesting things at the opening of the match. I won't ruin the fun for you by telling you who to pair up for the funniest interactions (besides, there are so many guides online, that I'm sure you'll come across these tag teams if you search a little!), but I urge you to try different combos of characters and see what happens. This is the same for the combined throws, so start experimenting.

Overall, I had so much fun with this game, that I always recommend it to my friends when asked about a fighting game to pick up. All of the characters stay true to their move sets, and I like how each character plays just as they played in their original Tekken installments. It also allows for match-ups that would otherwise be impossible. For instance, Jin can now fight Jun, although they originally were never in the same game. These are the kinds of things that made for an enjoyable experience.

The only thing about the game that annoyed me a bit was the ending movies for the characters. Hearing that same droning music and watching the silent short movies was a little rough for me after the first 4 or 5 characters, but don't let that ruin the game for you. Pick it up, yell "Tag!" and go for it!