A Testament to the PSP's power

User Rating: 8.5 | Tekken 6 PSP
Ok, I have not seen a reveiew for this game anywhere, so I figured its time to write one.

Tekken 6 for the PSP is one of those games that truly showcases the PSPs power. If I only had three games to show someone how powerful the PSPs graphic and technical processing abilities are, This game, God Of War: COW and Burnout: Legends would be that three.

I have not played a fighting game since Street Fighter II (yes the original). However, I am familiar with the Tekken series and from what I know, this one is no different from the prior, however I will list the modes for those that are interested.

I am an "on-the-go" gamer. I work at a fire dept. and most of my gaming is played during my down-time, so I like games that I can pick up quickly and put down at a moment notice.........games like Burnout really work well for me, especially on the PSP. Tekken is no different......I play at work and on the EL train here in Chicago, so I like games that allow me short, fun, playable sessions, yet give a sense of accomplishment while doing so.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are top-notch....I have seen the console versions at my local gaming store and for the PSP, this matches up about as close as you're going to get....I am rating the graphics at a 9.0, a few jaggies, but come on now, this is the PSP.

Game Play: The game play is, well, its D-pad fighting.......and D-pad fighting at its best, tons of moves and about 40 different characters to choose from. A story mode, Arcade mode, Ghost Battle, Challenge Battle, Network (ad-hoc, no infrastructure, which is a little disappointing). The games story mode gives you points for finishing each characters story and they can be used to buy costumes and such. There is a gallery, and a profile as well. I am rating the gameplay as an 8.0.

Sound: the sound is top notch PSP......the music is great, Features a house-trance soundtrack, that works well for this type of game. The only drawback is that the characters speak in foreign languages (which is translated at the bottom). I rate sound at 8.0.

Replay Value: This is a fighting game, if you like fighting games and d-pad control, this is right up your alley, especially if youre a fighting "purist". I think its safe to say that if you have liked Tekken in the past, you will enjoy this one. 9.0

Overall: I'm enjoying this game. It could probably use more single player modes and an infrastructure, but as far as portable gaming, it works. 8.5.