OH MAN, when this game came out, I didn't think this would be a good fighter, but surprisingly, it is...

User Rating: 9.5 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Warriors SNES
I have to admit, for a style of gaming that Konami is not totally famous for, this is actually a good fighter. Normally, Konami is famous for action/adventure games such as Contra, Gradius, Metal Gear, Castlevania, and one very nice RPG called Snatcher. But when they tried to make a fighting game, I was totally worried about how the game would play. If you ever wanted a fighter aside from Street Fighter II, then here is one fighter that you much take a look at.

Here is one aspect that blew me away. I was sorta expecting the comical style art that they used in the arcade version of the same characters, but that was not the case. The art work is more along the lines of what they would look like similar to how they looked in the first movie. They designed all the characters to be more serious like rather than comic. At first I didn't think this would work, but I was totally impressed with the ideal concept. Even some of the other characters outside the turtles was very nicely detailed and impressed with. And the background stages looked very impressive. One such impressive background stage was the Concert Stadium. Another nice impressive stage was the one where you fight on top of a moving train. They did such an impressive job with the animation, it's even smoother than Street Fighter II. And you will so love the special moves techniques that each character has. Although some moves were copied from Street Fighter, some moves are, in fact, more original than copies.

This is a nice touch for a fighter like this. Keeping with the standards of other fighting games, this game also uses the 6 button setup so they can equal to other fighters that where made for the SNES. The controls itself work very well, and all your special a normals react perfectly. As a fighter, you can't go wrong with the control system of this game. As with any fighter, each character as unique moves, so it will take some time to learn each character. But once that's done, you will have a fun time using each character in this game.

Even if you are still worried about the fact that it's from Konami, Don't take this fighter for granted. This fighter deserves to be with the elite fighting game list and should be part of your fighter game collection. If you are a fighter fan, I can assure you this is one fighter you will truly enjoy playing, not only as single player, but with an opponent to fight, you have a non-stop game on your hands. "TURTLE COMBAT!"