Not as bad as Gamespot would lead you to believe.

User Rating: 9 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles GBA
This game is based upon the awesome first season of the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series that currently is braodcast on Fox and the CW on Saturday mornings. Each of the four Turtles has their own set of levels, with the Shredder's boss level at the end (it's an unlockable once you beat Normal mode). It's great becauce the levels, for the most part, have that sort of nostalgic arcade game feel to them, especially during Raphael's segments. Konami did a great job here--maybe about half as good as their 90s TMNTs for the SNES.

This game is marginally easy, especially if you're used to beat em ups. However, this was the first beat em up I ever played, so... I'd say the difficulty was maybe....medium the first time around. I beat it in about a week.

With that said, it becomes apparent to me that even though this game is good, it is not as good as the 90s ones. Unless you're a new fan or see this cheap somewhere, rent it first.