For those of you who liked the Marvel vs. Capcom games, you might actually like this game even more.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars WII
Except for big fighting fans, most people don't know about Tatsunoko vs. Capcom . The two main reasons being that it is on the Wii (great game but on the wrong market) and the obscure characters. If you were to ask any casual fighting fan which cross-over, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, they'd probably ask what the latter even is. But make no mistake, the latter is actually the much better game.

Gameplay, 9. TvC has all the basic modes for a modern fighting game: Arcade, Vs, Time Attack, Survival, and an online mode. There's also a shop. The characters are divided between two universes: the Japanese anime world of Tatsunoko, and Capcom. Unless you're a huge anime fan most of the characters you probably won't recognize. You select two characters, or one if you use the two big characters.

TvC has a good bit of balance from what I saw. Even the two big characters weren't overpowered. The mechanics are deep and very accessible at the same time.

The Arcade mode is a bit repetitive at times though. The online mode can also get quite laggy like many other Wii games.

Presentation, 9. This is a very good looking game. The art really fits the anime background behind the game. The soundtrack is pretty good.

Value, 8. The Arcade mode can get boring at times but Time Attack and Survival provide plenty of fun. And of course there's the staple of fighters, the vs. mode. The online play gets old fast thanks to lag, unfortunately.

Great variety in the characters
Looks great
Great fighting mechanics
Arcade mode gets old fairly fast
Online play suffers from a lot of lag

If you like Street Fighter or Marvel vs. Capcom then Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is a game you'll probably like too.