simple, engaging, but way way way way way way Way WAY too costly.

User Rating: 2.5 | Tap Paradise Cove IOS
Downloaded this to kill some time , it simple, it's fun, BUT the game ramps up the costs way too quickly. To proceed in the game you must explore and clear land, you pay coins to explore, but it doubles with each additional square - I don't want to expand any more, I'll spend days waiting for the game making itself enough money (OR OF COURSE, I buy coins using my iPhone account......)
The ramping up of the 'cost'/'time' to complete each action has been a major turn off, having painfully got to Level 7 - and finding I need a sh*t load of rubies to buy something... (how do I get the rubies- oh yes, an 8euro in game cost....)

PocketGem, you've made a great game, but priced yourself out of anyone wanting to play for more than a day or two.... Shame, it looked fun, the places left to explore.... but, it aint gonna happen.