Thank you Namco,for this wonderful game.

User Rating: 9.2 | Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 GBA
Who would have ever thought of a game that can let you play as Cless,Kyle,Loni,and bunch of other tales characters in a game?Well Namco presents,Tales of the World:Narikiri Dungeon 3.

Sorry but,this won't come to NA,I think.But importing this game is a very good choice.

Well uhhh,I didn't get the story much since I don't know japanese but what I do know is that,a Professor finds a time machine or something and then he tells the Heroes Frio and Kyaro that they can once meet the Heroes of the Tales games from Tales of Eternia,Tales of Symphonia and others....And then,the time machine gets stolen and another version of the professor comes out with a diffrent time machine.Somehow,the heroes of Tales of Symphonia,Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia meet Kyaro and Frio and they must save the world before 100 days pass.Some people find this to be a very good storyline and yeah,it does get better when you get further in the game.Anyway,the story is good and all but not my taste.

There are no random battles in this game.Instead,you move around the characters and meet the enemies and you fight them.The battle system is real fun.It's just like the other 2-D tales games where you run sideways and attack,block or use skills for mad combos and such.

There are lots of team combinations in this game and it's real fun playing as either a male character or a female character.Yes,I said Female.

It would be much better if you could have 4 people in your party but you can have only 3 but it's not a big deal really...

The gameplay is real fun though.

This game has amazing sprites with good details and cool background sprites.The skills and spells look amazing too but I don't think they put alot of effort for the spells though.

Wow,the sound and the music is awsome.Some characters have diffrent battle music and everyone says thier attack like "Majinken!" and "Erupion!".

Import it!But you gotta know some japanese because it is real complicating without knowing japanese because I couldn't do nothing for about 30 minutes.If you don't want to learn japanese,you should look at a faq and learn to play the game.But uh anyway,this game is awsome and it even has Judas in it!I mean come on,Judas rocks!