An awsome RPG worth owning

User Rating: 9.5 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Tales of the abyss holds nothing back. The story is nothing less than spectacular. You start off the game with the main character Luke, a spoiled rich kid who has been locked up in his mansion for 16 years (can you blame him for being spoiled?) and he trains with his teacher Van. One day during a training session a young woman named Tear infiltrates the mansion and tries to assassinate Van but when she get close to Luke they create a hyperresonance and they get teleported to the other side of the world. This is where your journey begins. The game has full voice overs that fit the characters perfectly. Which is no surprise here if you played any of the other Tales games.

The graphics of the game is not the best during the time but their certainly not the worst. I dont know how you would elaborate on graphics but the are pretty nice and would give them an 8.

Sound, Music etc: The sound and music of the game are really good almost as good as any FF game if not as good. My score for sound would be a 9.5

Battle System: The battle system is all in real time and its just amazing on how they did it. You can have full movement on the battle field running any direction as you so choose. This making it possible to easily evade enemies attacks and preform some nice counterattacks. Every single character in the game has there own unique skills to use in battle with.

Difficulty: Since the game lets you choose from a total of 4 difficulties easy, normal, hard and the fourth one i forget but wont appear till your 2nd play through. Or its only 3 and you unlock hard on your 2nd play through i cant remember. Anyways the point of the difficulty level settings determines the amount of GRADE you get in battle. The grade is used after you beat the game which has a shop for it. This brings the topic to replay value.

Replay value: Is insanely high cause of the new game+ and the grade shop as mentioned above. The grade shop can make the game harder from things you purchase to making it insanely easier. To mention that this game has over 100 hours of game play to. Main story itself is around 70 hours alone, so a very long game indeed. I give the replay value a 10.

SUMMARY: Tales of the abyss is definitely a game worth owning for any RPG fan. Has an awsome storyline with really good graphics, replay value. and a good OST.