A wonderful RPG for anyone. Great story, amazing characters, a game EVERYONE should play through all the way.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
Right off the bat having played RPGs from around the world I've learned the Tales RPG franchise is very unique being full of character, heart, intense battles and philosophical elements. There are other great games that incorporate these elements such as those from the Final Fantasy franchise but no one quite does it like the team behind the Tales games. Tales of the Abyss is among my favorite opening in a whole new way from others in the genre. As you go along you meet unique, amazingly thought-out and designed characters each with their own story to tell, Another element I enjoyed was how they do go into more story behind the individual main characters like Guy a friend of the main character Luke has a comical phobia with women which you will later find out has a more serious and darker origin later in the game's story, this is something not commonly done in RPGs for example: Final Fantasy XII. The player can also enjoy much more dialogue and personality from these characters making you feel more like you're traveling with these characters rather than watching a series of heroic events unfold. The battle system is fun, engaging and variable while opening more strategies, possibilities and inspiring moves as you progress. The story is well plotted with great suspense, turns and crossings, elements of philosophy are also opened up to the player as they follow the stories of these great characters. Through out the game's story the player may take on fun and rewarding side-quests which include treats and cameos for current fans of the series, some which may grant you unique, well designed costume titles for any of your playable characters and more! I was also satisfied with the events leading to the end of the game, it built finely to the climactic end using the main enemy characters and their own struggle and last stand for what they fight for. I found it very well executed and they did well to prepare the player for the end of the game. I know there are many brainwashed fans who would disagree but this is an amazing game that stands it's own against the big titles like Final Fantasy. It may not be as popular but this underdog has heart and effort behind it that is rarely seen in many games around the world. My personal favorite for obvious reasons and a MUST play for those who are in the dark.