That game was damn fun it could be for like children 10 and under

User Rating: 10 | Tails Adventures GG
This game is so plain fun! My 6-year old LOVES this game very much that she plays it more then I do. Maybe it could be for children aged 10 and under. Its a little to boring for teens over tha age also Tails is so slow while walking I can't really do that code thing but I'm still practicing. I don't really have this game cause' I don't have a game gear so I only played this game on Sonic gems collection. These collecting games are awesome! They let you play old Sonic games since they aren't out anymore, but thier are some games on mega collection that aren't unlcok cause' their pretty older then when Sonic the hedgehog but not all like also this gems collection only unlock Vectorman games so if you don't know how to get new games, read the cheats, if you have aready read the cheats, then nothing will happen but for this game:

Graphics: They look pretty cool but more like sega genies

Gameplay: The gameplay really marks the spot! Easeir controls

Music: The musics are ok for at this point. Not very cute

Sound: Their pretty cool including bombs and flight