Probably the best PS action game.

User Rating: 8.5 | T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger PS
This game tells the tale of awesomeness on every cool shirt with a tiger and a dragon fighting on it. You are a tiger/man and you have claws, fists, chi, teeth, feet, legs, and magic blue stuff and your not afraid to use any of em. Now you must bring the fight to the foe and unleash cans of whoop A$$ all over the place until you finally encounter the Dragon Master. Now you whip out the 10 gallon drum of whoop A$$ on this dude. This sounds like just another game, but it's actually one of the best games on PS.

One of the best parts about this game is the combat. You don't just get a couple combos and special moves. Every new style you unlock has it's own chi moves, combos, and a hidden move that you can use. You get something like 6 or 7 styles. They are not the kind you scroll between to use. They are all free form and useable on the fly at any time. They are all useful. No one move is lesser than another except for the end of the games Tiger technique( this move is meant only for the last dungeon and the final boss. However, you can go back once you've beaten the game with it and go through any level you want.). Square is the attack button. You hit square during any phase of one of your styles' combos to initiate a special combo. Furthermore, if you hit triangle at the end of the combo, you will use a chi driven power attack. This does not deplete from your chi meter. The moves that deplete are either you hitting R1 for a super powerful chi blast that hits all enemies within a large radius, or an attack where the only attack face button is triangle. What chi move you use depends on whether or not you were on the ground, in the air, or what chi style you have. You can get 4 chi styles other than the default one that all have a different effects when used. Earth will petrify a foe while water would blast water in their face in a continuous blast. They are all useful. You can block all attacks that come at you from any foe. You can also crouch to block the lower attacks and use yet another set of attacks depending on the style. You can hit circle to pick up objects and enemies and hit Square to throw a fow or triangle to jump and whip them at the ground. L1 and L2 are used for cracking your knuckles and summoning chi in your fists for the coolness of it.
Almost every boss will give you a new style when you defeat them. This new style must be used in the next challenge to leave the level. The next level will require you to use the new platforming aspect of that style. All the styles are unique this way. Monkey can launch into the air to bounce on objects, the crane can fly, and the leopard can jump really far or high plus run fast. Each new section of the game has new enemies that you must master combating to proceed.

The environment of each stage, let alone each section, is completely new every single time. Attention to detail was taken with each stage. You'll trees, beautiful colors, waterfalls, and more on your quest to annihilate the Dragon Master. Even the moving parts of the screen look good. Nothing is in any way square, triangular or anything as such. The sound is also pretty good. Mostly done using traditional instruments but still keeps the music relatively fast and fresh. The noises that are made during an attack or any action are also pretty satisfying as well as the enemies sounding as intimidating as they can.

I even somewhat enjoy the story, simple as it is. You are Tai Fu, a kung fu tiger warrior. The Dragon Master comes to your place. He beats everyone up just to kill you, but even though he knocks you down, you survive. Now you quest across China or Japan or something fighting all the other races to master their styles. Styles include Mantis, Monkey, Leopard, Crane, Tiger, and your default style. You find out that the Dragon Master killed your father, the white tiger. You kill the dragon master so your father can rest in peace and the land can start a new life, abolished from the once terrible tyranny of the Dragon Master. Simple, but it doesn't have to be that complicated to make a solid action game. Gamespot says it isn't very good, but being a action specialist, I can tell you this game is sweet for being on the Playstation. I can't tell you how many hours I have into this game, mastering every level, style, and chi form for maximum fun. Every single kill and strike, savoring every last second of gameplay. Some sort of system that gave you something for killing in a cool way would have been nice, but when you play, it isn't missed. A great game for the PS. 9.2 out of 10.