review 46

User Rating: 6 | Swordquest: EarthWorld 2600
well Atari is back and back then they were the A BOMB.i got
a issue of atari age and swordquest was born.there was 3 all
though a 4th one air world was canceled because of the video
game crash of swordquest if you find the clues then
you go to atari headquarters and win real gold prizes.not stupid
plastic ones but real gold.the finalist got to go head to head
and whoever won got the sword which is 100,000 i think.dont
trust me look it up.i have the games and were just goona
talk about earth world.after playing you see numbers that
say 16 4.there is a comic that comes with it so page 16/panal
4.there are secret words and after this then you have all your
and spire.on the 2nd page there's a clue.there is only 5 words
to complete a 5 word thingy.only prime letters.that is found,tallisman
,tower,quest,and in.lets found in tower?wait a forgot
a word.THAT'S IT.found talisman in tower gamer
ever got the sword and only 2 things were given to 2 gamers.
in fire world you are a stick hitting water world all the
scenes have something to do with water.well air world is air.
the guy who bought atari has the sword and the other 2 things.
IT BELONGS TO GAMERS.well who cares.