Bad reaction time, plus annoying camera rotating, brings the game down.

User Rating: 5.5 | Sword of the New World: Granado Espada PC
Here's my review.

PLOT: The plot and the entire universe is great. It's based on America when it was first discovered except adding in magic and fantasy elements. Still, it's original...and that's a good thing...isn't it? +3 points

GAMEPLAY: You gotta be kidding me? The gameplay is so bad. Not only did I have a frustrating time every time I had to rotate my camera, but the bad reaction time of pressing buttons got really annoying. Really, really annoying. Gameplay adds nothing new except for the MCC. But your to busy preoccupied with other issues to actually care about it, so minimal points.

SOUND: At first it was nice...but then it got really annoying.

GRAPHICS: The graphics are simply...superb. But then Koreans made it, and they rock at graphics (well most of them). +2


Download it off the internet and play it if you got nothing better to do, but don't buy the copy you can'll just waste money.