Just flat-out boring

User Rating: 3 | Supreme Ruler 2020 PC
Hands down,this is the most boring game i have played yet,and i mean boring in that its like watching paint dry,you could just as easly till your peolpe want you want and let the game run itself,really were is the fun, and i am a fan of this type of game but its all to easy to let the game run on auto-pilot and never look back,watching the time(ingame) run by just so you can do stuff is very dull,it really takes a few years(ingame) to get anything really goin,which isnt bad but i think for a week to go bye a hour had past..thats a hour of nothing but waiting..i dont mind the dated gfx but the game play is just dull...and lifeless,and the cabinet is totallt useless in areas of were thier should gave adviser and the emails you get from them is mind-numbing becouse no matter how many times you agree that something should be lower...it never gets lowered...but at the sametime they can run the government without you...so in hindsight your not really needed,and then whats the point of playing..supreme ruler of the auto-pilot,maybe