What a frigging let down!

User Rating: 4 | Supreme Ruler 2020 PC
I will keep this short. I just want to say a few things though that are important to me.

First off, the in game help that used F1 is not there like it is in Supreme Ruler 2010. There is no help at all other than skimpy ToolTips when you hover the mouse.

Second, when you load a saved game in 2010 there was a full description of what the scenario was about. The stats etc.. Not here in 2020. Nothing.

This new version in my opinion is NOT better than its predecessor 2010. It looks like a skimpy version that tried to save money in every way.

The Tutorial really sucks!!! It is horrible!!! It's worthless. Won't help you in the least bit.

As hot as it makes my CPU for what it is, it's really a rip off. I have a top end PC from Dell, an XPS 600 that I have maxed out. This game makes the CPU hotter than Call Of Duty-4 and Supreme Commander. As stupid as the game is, there is no excuse for that.

I'm very sorry I shelled out $40 for this game before PCGamer got a chance to enlighten me to the truth about it. I'm going back to 2010 and play that instead.