i know that they wanted something better but.......

User Rating: 8 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
SupCom 2 hmmmm....What to say it is of course a game of choice for every gamer but it has his flaws,more than his first.First the improvements-THE SPEED oh the speed when i remember SupCom only dark thougts but this 1:30 for a nuke lancher, is this a dream a asked my self of course the nuke is a shade from its self,but you cam make multiple nukes and fast like 3 nukes ,and that gives the same blast as a SC nuke ( i think so)you can make multiple long range artillery in 2 min 5-10 yust a guess.and the best thing of all,the reserch tree there is no resercheing every blasted land,air,naval factory in your f.......ing possesion.
Now bad things-smal varierites of units,the economy(SupCom had better style economy),smal maps,the enemy alwasy goes to reserch the nuke while you are still fencing off his attacks,no skrimish saving(i cant believe it even now)

SupCom2 has the only better thing that gives him at least 2.0 more grade and that is SPEED ,fast combat,no lazy one as in SC,half one hour while my forces come to them a 2 seconds to be killed.you must always be ready,you can do quick counter-attacks, and by quick i mean QUICK.But the game had potential but it failed,maybe (if) a SupCom 3 comes that will be the ultimate game with mapes 1000kmx1000km that would be a game.EarthCom out