This game is really cool to be for the SNES.

User Rating: 8.3 | Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers SNES
This games is really good and since I still have my SNES (I know that it's kind of old) but it's still fun to play. I was looking on my stack of games and I found this one and I started to play it and I had forgoten how fun and cool this game was. It's really a really great game considering that it was for the SNES and the graphics aren't that bad. My favorite character from this game would be Ryu since he is the one that I know how to make the most moves with but I also kind of like Guile. I recomend this game to anyone that still has an SNES and that likes street fighter. This one has a few added features but other than that this game is pretty much like the normal one. So you can choosewhich ever one you want to play.