Like Thor's Hammer, it's great fun, but only a god can wield it.

User Rating: 8 | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix X360
Hey, this game must be good stuff. How do I know? Because my wife will play it with me - and finding a game she'll play with me is like the quest for the holy grail...a fruitless search for an object of myth.

Sure, she "likes" other puzzlers, but without compelling two-player I just can't get her into gaming. And fighting games, forget about it - too complex. Baldurs Gate on the PS2 was great with first-rate co-op and lots of finding and trading of stuff...that was my first hope that she might game. But when I tried Marvel Ultimate Alliance on her, it just didn't fly without the stuff to find and sell. So, I was at a loss again...a lone gamer in my household.

Truly, SPF2THDR is the stuff lasting relationships are made of. And the kids like to hang out too because they are young enough to think we are playing the characters so they just watch the fight and ignore those pointless blocks bordering the real action.

Therefore: 10, even with character images barely worthy of cathode tube technology.


It's not a 10 anymore. Now it is an 8 or maybe a 9 and I am just too lazy to get good enough to have fun at a 9 level.

Why? What changed?

I enjoyed the game so I played it enough to begin to get pretty decent. Then I found out that if you are decent at this game, you can get clobbered by an absolute novice with ease. There is a game breaking strategy some unscrupled people use: you can just drop blocks at light speed without even looking at them, stack them all randomly as fast as you can while still leaving the all important middle column empty, and every so many peices you will get a diamond. The diamond will shatter all of a color of your choice, and with your screen full the other blocks will create a chain reaction, dealing a massive blow to the other player.

This is a problem because using this strategy is an absolute bore that makes the game no fun to play, just a button mashing exercise.

Now, a truely divine player, an amazing player, or perhaps an autistic savant, can beat this strategy. To beat the silly strategy of just dropping blocks as fast as possible, you must be able to also drop blocks as fast as possible - and be able to do it on purpose, rotating and placing blocks acording to plan at light speed.

So if you are a super reflexed mega autistic savant, and you have equally skilled gods to play with, the game is still a 10. If not, it is an exercise in futility.