A Plastic Ball with a monkey inside is all you'll need for a one-way ride to hell.

User Rating: 1.5 | Super Monkey Ball DS DS
Could have been better. The game utilizes the touch screen too much to even turn around, especially because literally all the courses have to turn at some point. 3/10

Bad. You need a lot of experience/patience to complete the game. And with no checkpoints either, I wonder how Nintendo could have pasted an easy-peasy game logo on it.

Could I sell it on eBay?
No, everybody has played it and because you do't want $0.72 for it, it is HIGHLY unrecommended. 1/10

Is it for kids?
NO! Several features are not for kids:
*When you start the game, AiAi waves his bum at you and you have to ~touch~ it to continue. Why put this in a kids game, Nintendo?
*Excessivly hard gameplay
*No storyline plot to go along with it

Cheesy, inappropriate music. Unrelatable whatsoever. 2/10

Music: 2.5/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Retail Price: 1.5/10
Age Appropriate: 0.001/10

Grand Total: