
User Rating: 8.1 | Super Monkey Ball DS DS
this game is so ausome its like an arcade system in your hand.This version of super monkeyball is very impressing i thought it would be really bad because it is on an handheld system but i guese i was wrong.The thing about this game is its so addicting.Your friend calls you up and asks to play a game of baseball and you say ill come over after i die in super monkeyball.1 hour later your friends over playing whith you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is ausome ausome ausome ausome ausome ausome ausome ausome ausome AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME AUSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!