A great port of a superb series

User Rating: 9 | Super Monkey Ball Deluxe XBOX
If you were a fan of Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube then i would suggest this to you for a great pick up or if you've never tried it before and want a fun game that you and your friends can party with well this is the right game.

The gameplay is amazing on the difficultys you can get and you get loads of levels crammed pack into this 1 box, if you like story stuff campaigns and that then i would play the story mode for a great time. I founded that the party games were really fun and never ending. The graphics are quite good indeed. The story isn't great it can lose(maybe) it's plot easily. And that's all for the review and i suggest you pick this up. There are some bad things about the game that they have removed some audio, music and logos from the original ones for the game. Just have fun playing this for a while!