The Nintendo is dead. Get over it.

User Rating: 1 | Super Meat Boy PC
Honestly, you'll get more enjoyment out of Solitaire than you will out of playing this retro-jumper. Sure, it's great that the controls are responsive and that the level design is clever to the point of nefarious, but no matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

The artwork is uninspired; the characters are slightly less compelling than Mario Brothers (which already take a solid back seat to Sonic and Zool). The soundtrack is remarkably unsurprising. Virtually every aspect of the game aspires to--but fails to reach--the heyday of gaming on the Commodore 64.

If you love eight-bit gaming this much, save your $7.50 and buy a used Nintendo at a garage sale. If you're a masochist, buy the game and play it for the three-and-a-half minutes it takes you to comprehend why platform games deserved to die.