Buy the second one. It's so much better.

User Rating: 6.5 | Super Mario Land GB
Super Mario Land was a game my cousin always let me play when I was about 3. I remember enjoying it, but not as much as the second one. The game itself seems flawed compared to SML2. It's like a downgraded version of the NES Mario Bros. but worse. The graphics are awfull. There was no excuse for that, I mean, just look at the Legend Of Zelda- Link's Awakening graphics.

Graphics- 4/10
Bad. The sprites are simple and some, like the koopas (or whatever they call them in this game) are way too small.

Gameplay- 7/10
Ah yes. That's more like it. The only problem I have is the fact you can't go backwards.

Sound- 8/10
I like the tunes in the game. They are pretty catchy.

Value- 6/10
It's a game you'll replay once you've completed it.

You should buy the second one first. Then, once you've played it, ask yourself if you want a downgraded version of it with bad graphics. If the awnser is yes- buy this. If the awnser is no- then don't.