Very few games can be played for 22 years and still be enjoyable. You're looking at one of them.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt NES
One of my fondest memories in childhood is playing Super Mario Bros. for hours on end with my family, and cursing at that taunting dog in Duck Hunt. It's been 14 years since I started playing, and I can confidently say I am still addicted. Revolutionary and fun then, enjoyable now. The best thing about this game is its mass appeal. From self proclaimed 'hardcore gamers' to those who have never heard of Halo, anyone can pick up the controller, and have a good time. Though the storyline of Super Mario Bros. doesn't have the most depth, saving Princess Toadstool is endearing, and the game play is fun, and even a bit of a challenge towards the end, without being frustrating. Duckhunt somehow fails to get boring even as you are entering your 20th level. Replaying either game never gets old, and that is why even today it is a game anyone can enjoy, and a must-have.