Quite possibly the best platformer game ever, well at least for its era!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
There was no game on NES I enjoyed more than Super Mario Bros. 3. I spent countless hours playing this game alone and with friends. As you can tell from my profile, I grew up playing Mario games. This game influenced so many other platformer games that exist today. It is really a testament to Nintendo's craft in game design to have a game to revolutionize gameplay during the same era as as predecessor. This, hands down, is my favorite Mario game of all time.

The graphics are some of the best on the NES. Mario animates well, especially in comparison to Super Mario Bros. I enjoyed the varied levels, which Mario has always done well. The Koopa ship and Koopa kids are well designed, and I'm glad they are back in modern Mario games.

I love the music in SMB 3. It is some of the most memorable music in gaming. I mean this music is so memorable that modern Mario games reuse some of it. It is retrotastic.

This game is available on ebay if you want the completely retro NES experience, or you can get the game on Super Mario All-Stars for SNES and Wii (for the graphical update). It's also on GBA with a graphical overhall and added voices. The least expensive and most practical way to play this game is on the Wii Virtual Console which is not only accessible via the Wii console; rather, it is also on the Wii U. Go get it....NOW!