this 40's tv show character did the "jangle jangle" Uhhhhhhh....

User Rating: 9 | Super Jeopardy! NES
i am not really sure how to describe this game..
first of all the this is a NES game and the questions are from before i was even
just like the question above.. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS!.
it is based of the TV show jeopardy..(duh)
and this game is actually pretty hard...

the game is also difficult because you have to spell the answer correctly..
and if it were not for spell check you would not be able to read this..
the computer players are also super smart which makes the game even harder...
but what makes me love this game is that it makes me feel smart ;^o^;
even though i end up with a -100,00 i cant believe that i got a few answers right!!

and multi-player in this game is really fun..
even though no one know the answer most of the time.. its fun to see who gets the least amount of negative numbers :D
so in the end i feel this game deserves a 9 because it is different and it is worth getting..