It might be the hardest game I have ever played, but 'Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts' is a great game from the 16-bit era.

User Rating: 9 | Chou-Makai-Mura SNES
When I was a kid, I was a HUGE fan of the 'Ghosts 'N Goblins' series. They were (and still are) insanely hard games, but they were very fun. The first game in the series is brutally difficult, to a point where it's hard to even get past a level or two. This sequel adds a nice double-jump and gives you a chance to don some power-up armor. This is very helpful as this game is very, very difficult.

In fact, in the years since this game was released us gamers have been coddled when it comes to difficulty. Nowadays, games just aren't as challenging as this and some people will try this game and absolutely hate it. I must admit, I got my butt kicked when I first starting playing too. But if you are patient, you will see how fun this game can be.

If you play it on the easiest difficulty, it will help. The game is pretty shaky with the checkpoints, but you do get lots of lives & continues. Playing this again now really brought me back to the fun nights I had, when I was younger, trying to complete that next level before I wanted to toss the controller across the room. Yes it's frustrating, but the game has a certain charm (who doesn't laugh when 'Arthur' has to fight in his undies?) and if you stick with it, you will be rewarded.

The game looks great for a SNES game, but there is some slowdown when things get really hectic. The music is catchy and the overall presentation is great, considering it's a 16-bit title.

If you aren't a fan of this series already, I wouldn't really recommend getting this game. If you grew up on it, however, I would highly recommend picking it up. Playing this again, after all these years, has been a very fun trip down memory lane. Whether you like it or not, the game will frustrate you and you will die A LOT. But this is a great game in a classic series and it is worth the frustration.