Insanely frustrating, Alfred Chicken somehow retains it's addictive fun, but that won't quell your hatred.

User Rating: 6.3 | Super Alfred Chicken SNES
Alfred's back again for another platformer. Not much has changed since his move to the SNES. He still has the same moves of jumping, floating, and dive bombing, as in his first game and the controls are very smooth, so smooth, it's easy to die and you'll be doing a lot of that.

So, the premise is simple. You're trying to save your buddies from the bad mecha-chickens, and to do that, you're releasing all the balloons you can find in the level. The levels have the same feel as the previous game, many of them sharing the same theme (the cheese, and baby toys) though everything's on a much larger scale, so less of the level is visible, which isn't a bad thing. There are secret areas and the usual collectables to hunt for to earn those desperately needed extra lives, which you'll need to survive the game's 21 levels. You'll face familiar baddies to the previous game, like the toy mice, and lasers, but there are a ton more bent on killing you, and like before, if you touch them, you die. Graphically, the game is very colorful and much more pleasing to the eye than it's NES prequil. It has a nice, cartoon quality that makes you thankful it was never a cartoon. The sounds are higher quality than the previous, though the sound effects of the squeaking toy mice and a few other baddies can be annoying when you've heard them way too many times and swear you should've completed the level by now.

The only flaws of this game are the insane difficulty that gets worse as you get impatient and die carelessly. Also, when you respawn from death, your timer doesn't reset. It'll just continue where you left off and you'll find yourself having to rush to try and complete the level only to die from something else.

If you can stand this type of torture and aren't easily frustrated, the game is quite fun. Otherwise, it's insane difficulty will make you crazy and having a password feature doesn't help much.